The University uses EthicsPoint, an independent provider of hotline services, which offers a simple and anonymous way to report concerns from campus community members, contractors, or the public. EthicsPoint is always available and offers multi-lingual translators. To submit a report online or via telephone, or to answer questions from the University on an existing report, please visit: Ethics Point
Our Commitment
Princeton University is committed to conducting its academic and administrative responsibilities in an ethical manner and in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and University policy. The University not only expects, but depends on you to share in this responsibility through the reporting of concerns which involve possible noncompliance with policy or unethical behavior. All members of the University community are also expected to report all instances of suspected or observed potentially illegal activity per University policy.
Reporting concerns is a service to the University and will not jeopardize your employment or academic status. We expect that reports will be made in good faith to address legitimate issues or concerns. If you have concerns on this point, please see Protection from Retaliation within the University's Rights, Rules, Responsibilities.
Types of Reports
Campus community members, contractors, or the public may report the following types of concerns, including but not limited to:
- Environmental Health & Safety violations
- Misuse of University resources or assets
- Fraud or theft
- Academic or Athletics violations
- Data privacy or information security
- Suppliers or contractors
- Conflicts of interest
- Sexual misconduct
- Bias, harassment, or discrimination
- Falsified data or business expenses
- Financial and accounting matters
- Sponsored research or government contracts
Recommended Process for Reporting Concerns
Faculty/Staff Students (undergraduate or graduate) Contractors/Public
Frequently asked questions regarding the University Hotline.
If you require emergency assistance or if you observe a violation that needs to be addressed immediately, please call 9-1-1 (on campus, 9-1-1 calls will be routed to the Department of Public Safety).
Anonymous crime tips can be reported to the Department of Public Safety through the Anonymous Crime Tip Line (link is external).