OAC strives to be a proactive partner with the University community and management by providing reasonable assurance regarding internal controls related to reliable financial reporting, efficient operations, and compliance with University policies and procedures as well as applicable laws and regulations.
We accomplish our Internal Audit objectives by:
- Developing an Annual Audit Plan which encompasses all work that OAC intends to do during the year. This plan is approved by the Board of Trustees’ Committee on Audit and Compliance and is modified as needed during the course of the year to address critical issues that arise and management has deemed urgent.
- Planning and performing internal audits for Princeton that include financial, operational, and compliance activities. These audits address a range of areas from departments to central functions including outsourced and co-sourced projects (e.g. construction and Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory audits).
- Providing consulting and advisory services, as needed, to the University community.
- Conducting special reviews at management requests and investigations.
OAC’s authority to conduct audits is specified in our Internal Audit Charter.